Re: User Can't Get In the Gnome

My understanding from the instructions I read after installing the helix-code version is that you need to either:
1. Assuming your inidefault is set for a terminal login (run level 3 in 
RedHat), log in as root and then run gdm from the command line. This 
brings up a graphical login screen which can be used for anyone to log in.

2. Set initdefault to run gdm automatically at boot (run level 5 initdefault for RH). This then allows anyone to log in as in #1.
What no longer seems to work (for me anyway) is to run startx from a 
normal terminal login with my .xinitrc ending with 'exec gnome-session'. 
I don't know why that doesn't work any more. Maybe someone else on the 
list can enlighten us both.
-- David

Li Bing wrote:

Dear All,

It's strange that I can't get in the Gnome with ordinary user account. But
it works if I login as root account. Why?

Li Bing

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 \(_)\_______)    (_________/(_)   / \\  ||__..--~~~ ~~~~~~
  `-._________________________..--' \___//~
  `------`--'                 `---------'    - Li Bing





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