Re: GTK 2


On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 07:42:46PM -0400, NickDarienOne cs com wrote:
>Anyway, I have a question.  I have heard some people say that they are 
>running GTK 2.  How is this possible?  I am under the impression that GTK+ 
>1.2 is the current official release, and that the in development version is 
>1.3.  So, how can people be running 2.0?  Also, if there were a 2.0, would it 
>function with the current release of GNOME?

I tried to compile gnome-1.4 with the prerelease of gtk2 and it failed.

A gnome-developper told me, that gnome-1.4 is designed for gtk 1.2, so you
have to wait fuer the next majorrelaese.


One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic billgotchy de"

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