Re: Numerous problems with Ximian/Helix Gnome on RH 7.0

On 13 Mar 2001 17:50:00 -0700, Joshua Rigler wrote:
> Has anyone else been having problems with the latest Ximian/Helix Gnome
> suite on RedHat 7.0?  I posted one problem already where child windows
> (IDL plot windows) didn't get focused unless one actually clicked the
> title bar, or tried to resize the window.

I've heard some reports of Sawfish focus problems, but nothing specific
to Ximian GNOME or Red Hat 7.0.  I don't recall enough of the details to
know whether they're the cause of your problems.

> In addition, twice today I had to restart X because all of a sudden I
> couldn't get menus to pull down on various X windows (i.e. I click on
> the file menu, it highlights, but the menu never drops down).  Actually
> this problem seemed to crop up shortly after I test-drove the newest
> version of Mozilla.

I haven't seen this one.  Maybe running Mozilla used enough extra memory
to make your machine swap enough to make it look like the menus hung.
If you'd been running previous Mozilla versions, that's probably not the
problem, though.  Was this in just one application, or in a wide range
of applications?

I like running a cpu monitor applet so I can tell when an application
goes nuts and starts hogging the CPU, though in some cases applications
hang due to networking issues that don't actually consume any CPU to
speak of.

> Is this a buggy release?  Should I try to go back to the Gnome
> distributed with RedHat, or is it possible the default settings for RH's
> gnome configuration are significantly different than the default
> configuration that comes with Ximian, and I'm just not familiar enough
> with configuring Gnome to fix this problem?

If it's a window focus issue, I'd look a the window manager.  If you
like, you can revert to the RH7 version of Sawfish, though it's probably
best to do so when not actually running Sawfish...

-Mark Gordon

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