Re: GNOME Weirdness

On 15 Mar 2001 10:01:11 +0100, Jens Finke wrote:
> On 14 Mar 2001, George Farris wrote:
> > There needs to be some kind of copy/paste or file shelf function to
> > temporarily hold files one is moving or coping.
> There has been a long discussion in the early days of nautilus development
> about this feature. They came up with the result, that it's not intuitive
> and consistent so they dropped support for it.

You know that statement is just down right wrong.  Intuitiveness is in
the eye of the beholder.  Not everyone thinks or sees things the same
way.  The mailing list is a testament to the fact that people actually
do want a copy a paste function.  Providing this as a feature would have
been a very nice option.  It could be a preference that is turned on.

> > Trying to have two windows open on a small screen and

> > drag between them is a joke.  Sorry Eazel but it's just not good enough
> > as a file manager - yet.
> Well, you can turn off all the menu and side bars seperatly for every
> window. So you can have only a simple window with directory contents. I
> don't think one can implement an application which uses less space.
> Regards,
>    Jens

How about an area in the file manager like a button or square that you
can drag files to and then copy them back out.  A temporary holding
space so to speak.  At any rate window to window dragging remains a

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