Re: bad libraries in RH-7.1???

I did a little digging, and it appears that the second problem I
described, regarding Evolution crashing on exit, is a known bug related
to SSL IMAP in the evolution mailer.

A quick resonse to João...yes I checked libical, and I'm fairly certain
I have the most updated version.  kdepim was recently removed from my
system by RedCarpet, so whatever I have must have been put there by
Evolution (it was dated Sept 23, quite recent).  I don't think libical
is causing my problems.  Thanks for the suggestion though.


Joao Palhoto Matos wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, E. Joshua Rigler wrote:
> > I've been having problems for months now with Gnomecal crashing when I
> > leave it running over night.  Lately I upgraded my Evolution to beta4,
> > and it seems like it may be having a similar problem (the Summary
> > component crashed, even though everything else remained running).  I
> > don't have any cron jobs other than RH's defaults, so I doubt these are
> > causing any problems.
> >
> > Finally, Evolution seems to be continuing to crash (segfault) every time
> > I exit it.  I submitted this bug some time ago to bugzilla ximian com,
> > then eventually received an email saying it had been fixed in CVS.  This
> > was with Beta3.  Should I assume the bug was fixed in Beta4?  Has anyone
> > else experienced this with Beta4, on RH-7.1, with Ximian-gnome and
> > sawfish (I don't use Nautilus either...if that could make a
> > difference)?  Or is it possible that these problems, (Evolution Summary,
> > Gnomecal, Evolution exit) are all related to incompatible or corrupted
> > libraries on my workstation?
> Hello:
> evolution seems to install a library also installed by kdepim. libical
> something.

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