Re: Gnome themes

Carsten asked, "Have you also tried to unack that theme, (which is a tar.gz or tar.bz2 archive ?) manually to the global themes dir ? In my case this is under /usr/share/themes"
I checked there and it is already unpacked to that folder and to the 
~/.themes folder also.
William Lovaton asked, "What theme are you trying to install?"

It's called Scalable Gorilla, but I had the same problem with two or three themes (e.g., T-16-Blue). I just now decided to look into it.
William Lovaton suggested, "For example, Xenophilia needs a new theme engine 
so you have to compile it and install it... that comes with the tarball 
theme.  Just look for an INSTALL o README file and try to figure out what is 
the problem."
I reviewed the README that came with it and there is no indication that it 
needs a special engine.
For some reason, though it has been copied properly to both the home and 
global dirs, it just doesn't show up in my themes list.  Any other ideas?  
How does that themes list get populated?
Still learning,
 Tom Caudron

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