Re: How do you change the resolution in gnome?

On Tue, 2002-01-22 at 15:01, Alan LaViolette wrote:
> This would make a good app for gnome maybe.  I small program that allows 
> the user to select a resolution and even color depth.  I know that for 
> someone who just wants to change the resolution it can be hard to 
> understand the XF86Config file.  Does X provide any way to get a list of 
> the supported resolutions that can be switched to by the Ctl-Alt-+ 
> Ctl-Alt--? And does X have a way to change the resolution with an API 
> call?  I do not know the X API, but could someone point me at a good 
> webpage or book to learn this kind of thing.

The Ximian Setup Tools include such an application.

Markus Bertheau

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