Re: One desktop only on a multihead system?

On Fri, 19 May 2006 21:15:04 +0200, Roe Peterson <roe liveglobalbid com> wrote:
Unlike most other users, I _don't_ want gnome to start a desktop on
my second monitor - I have an app that runs fullscreen on the secondary
So I assume you already have an X Server running on that monitor?
Or do you want one X Server and one app on the second head and Gnome stuff
on the first? I believe the latter one is not easily feasible.

Anyways, it is the responsibility of the X Server to choose which monitors
to use. (You can have multiple X Servers running and switch between them)
Even if all Gnome windows were limited to your first screen, your
second one would be occupied as well.
I strongly assume you must tell your X Server not to use the second screen.

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