Re: Very disappointed in Gnome 3

What in Gnome3 inherently prevents development of efficient habits?

In Gnome 2 many things can be set up so as to require a SINGLE click (in the screen that the user is already looking at) to activate. For example, the launching of a second instance of a Terminal window. For another example, switching the screen to display another workspace.

As it currently comes out of the box, Gnome 3 requires multiple clicks (with additional cursor movement) to perform such actions.

What in Gnome3 inherently makes it difficult to understand what is
actually going on?

Your point - Gnome 3 as it currently comes out of the box is not "difficult to understand". But it can be "difficult to use". And what good is it to understand what happened, when the user ends up still not liking what happened.

As an example, some applications have controls at the upper left of their window. Many many times in Gnome 3, when moving the cursor to the upper left of an application's window, I have overshot and ended up looking at Gnome's launch screen -- now I have to click to get back to where i was. I understand what happened -- but that is NOT what I wanted to happen. [I myself am waiting for somebody to publish a Gnome 3 extension that de-activates that "hot corner".]

The same requirement for careful cursor control appears when moving a window near the Gnome 3 top bar -- suddenly that window gets enlarged -- that is NOT what I wanted to happen (and I have to click to get it back to its former size). I understand that Gnome 3 has made "enlarging" a window easier - that is an action I myself rarely want. What I do want (much more often) is to move windows around on the screen. The current Gnome 3 requires me to "pay close attention" to how far my hand pushes the cursor (Gnome 2 did not act on sloppiness).

Bah!   mikus

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