Re: Anti-Evolution rant.

On Sun, 2011-03-20 at 20:23 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> Hello,
> On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 02:19:55PM -0400, William Case wrote:
> > I seemed to have received some interest at the time so I filed a full
> > description with diagrams for that bug report.  Nothing.
> It is rather unfortunate. Think emailing the evolution list is helpful.
> Feature seems nice. Cannot help/assist with coding, but have at least
> set the status to new (though unconfirmed/new makes no difference, it is
> only there for developers who'd like to have such a different).
What I also feel that the original poster feels is that the level of
coding something for Evolution is high. And I can agree. At home and for
my small consultant business I am only using linux, but for one client I
am coding only in .net and only for the windows platform.

The other day one guy came up to me and asked if this and that was
possible to do in Outlook. I wasn't sure, but with the addition of
office coding in Visual Studio, I was able to get close to a solution
for him in about 1 hour, and that without touching the office plugin
(don't remember the "plugin" from the top of my head) before. 

That level of entering into a project, or creating something that would
enhance the product, is what I am missing in some OOS project. 
I googled for plugin and evolution and noticed that it is possible to
use mono to create plugins for the mailclient, but using a lot of
XML-files and such just to do something quite easy does not for me seem
like an easy approach to create a plugin. 
(I am quite fluent in XML, so that's not the big issue here.)

I noticed that it is possible to write plugins in Mono (C# , and the also), but try and search the web for an introduction to do
such... hm. (I've tried a few different searches to see what's


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