[gnome-love]Re: Assign new task

Alex Espinoza wrote:

ok so what do I have to do to give love to gnome?

Great Alex ! bring the love man .. bring the love.

It took me a while to figure out the task cause I was looking
for a nice task that you can do.

Get cvs gnumeric. In the drawing toolbar there are "widgets"
that you can place inside the worksheet. If you click the 
check button, you can add a check button and assign it's boolean
value to a cell. (play with it)

If you click the second mouse button, you will get 2 choices
1. delete and 2. configure. In the configure dialog we need
to add another entry that sets the check button label. So
the dialog will have something like :

Name : [ Foo       ]
Cell : [Sheet!$C$3 ]


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