Re: [gnome-love] [TODO] Writing new simple gtop - I'm interested

On 09 Jun 2001 11:31:02 -0400, Kevin Vandersloot wrote:
Hi. I just wanted to let you know of my intention to work on this
TODO.I've started writing the application already and have made
progress. If someone could mark the TODO item as no longer new that
would be nice.

I guess I should get CVS access for the application. I
Yes, you need to get CVS access to upload it to the GNOME
CVS. When you feel the app is ready to go into the CVS send
me an email so that we can request a CVS account for you.

plan on releasing the application under the Microsoft "shared source"
license due to the viral nature of the GPL ;) 
hmm, GOOD idea !!! 

A tarball of what I have
so far can be found here if anyone is interested:

Also could someone mark the gcalc packing TODO as done as the fix went
in a while ago?

the task has been marked as finished already, what we need to improve is
the query in the todo system. The default query will show finished items
too. (


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