Re: [gnome-love] from omniorb to orbit

Le 24/05/01 01:34:58, Matthew Walton a écrit :
Is there by any chance a wonderful document somewhere that tells me 
exactly what CORBA, ORBit, Bonobo and all these fantastically 
exciting-sounding things actually are and what they can do for me as an 
aspiring Gnome developer?
CORBA <> is more or less a protocol for RPCs. Servers
implement interfaces (described in IDL -- Interface Definition Language)
which clients can call methods of or get/set properties from/to.

ORBit is more or less a server implementing CORBA.

I gather that Bonobo is some kind of component framework, [...] Is it 
like (and apologies for mentioning this) some kind of hyper-pumped-up 
More like COM/DCOM


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