[gnome-love] panel arrows

Hej, hej!

Lately there was a complain on this list about the ugly panel arrows. I
tried to find something that's at least a bit nicer. Ok, it's not
perfect, but it looks better than the origianl, IMHO.

First I wanted to use colors, but that would be theme dependend. There's
a project (I don't remember its name, sorry) that provides themes that
are equal for gtk, sawfish and so on, so that you can change all your
themes at once. That way, we could make this icons themeable.

Just copy the attached pictures to /usr/share/pixmaps/ and send a SIGHUP
to your panel.

Attachment: panel-arrow-up.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: panel-arrow-left.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: panel-arrow-down.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: panel-arrow-right.png
Description: PNG image

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