Re: [gnome-love] API and ABI

"Thomas" == Thomas Broyer <tbroyer ltgt net> writes:

    > So I thought that modifying xmlXPathFunction was the best way:
    > other, earlier functions (expecting two args) will continue to
    > work and the context and the other, internal struct won't grow
    > up with a field used only 10% of the time or even less.  Daniel
    > Veillard answered this would break API and ABI compatibility.

It does break API compatibility, which leads to backwards ABI
incompatibility, but not forward. 

    > So here are my questions: First, I don't really understand why
    > it breaks the API (?!).  

Existing programs might not compile if they are compiled with

    > Then I really don't understand the ABI
    > breakage (I don't know much -- I rather know a very little bit,
    > practically nothing -- about the ABI).

I guess it is just a side effect.  I would have to say, that it seems
like very a little problem really and wont lead to any *real* problems
either way.

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