Re: [gnome-love] Getting Involved - Looking for volunteers

On Sun, 2002-03-31 at 19:01, Kevin Vandersloot wrote:
Hi there friends. So I 've gotten quite a few responses to this email. The
following people rock hard and have been imortalized in GNOME cvs commits
list, and the ChangeLog of gweather.

John Fleck - New Mexico
Alex Duggan - NY
**David Hoover** - Cal, Vermont, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Connecticut,
Delaware, Massachusetts, Washington, Puerto Rico
*Rikke Giles* - Oregon, Idaho and Montana
Andrew Van Overloop - Iowa
Chad McHenry - Michigan

So that still leaves quite a few states to be filled in. So go, go, go
people! Rumors are being spread about the sexual conquests of said
gentlemen after appearing in cvs commits list. All I can say is that women
find them irresistable now.

Pffff. Only Americans can get laid, is that what you're saying ?

/Bastien Nocera, looking for

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