Re: [gnome-love] A debian question

On Sat, 02 Mar 2002 11:34:20 -0500
Innoxious <escalante canada com> wrote:

There is a ftp site that I want to add to my '.../sources.list', but
since I am kind of new to Debian, I am having problems getting it to
work. The ftp site is:
What should I add to my '.../sources.list' to get the above line to be
one of the server lists for apt-get?
deb potato main non-free contrib

Next time debian-user-* lists debian org will probably be more appropriate.

|  .''`.  | Filipe Maia                                          |
| : :'  : | email: fmaia gmx net                                 |
| `. `'`  |                                                      |
|   `-    | Debian GNU/Linux: <>            |

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