[gnome-love] setting up jhbuild gnome properly


I've been successfully running a jhbuild gnome 2.3 installation for some
time now, but I remember that when I first set it up I had to do some
hacks to get it selectable in GDM and working properly (edit the xdm
scripts etc...)

Since I'm going to redo my installation from scratch (and since I don't
remeber which modifications I did the last time!) I was wondering if
someone could explain (or point me to a document) which is "the right
way" to have a jhbuild gnome session selectable in GDM.
I'm not talking about the jhbuild installation itself (create the prefix
dir, do jhbuild bootstrap etc) but about the .xsession file and the
changes to the xdm/gdm scripts.
The distro is RedHat.



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