Re: [gnome-love] Comments requested on Idea for a new Gnome App.

On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 02:45:48AM +0530, Tarun Ramakrishna Elankath wrote:
Hi all,

I am a linux developer newbie and thought the best way to acquire skills
in Gnome programming would be to develop a small, useful Gnome utility.

I want to develop an application that sits in the panel notification
area and shows the flow of traffic over a selected network interface. I
have in mind the features of the Windows "Show connection in System
Tray" utility. There would be 2 computer icons (local and remote), which
flash as data is sent over the interface.

I am not aware of any such existing application in Gnome. Please correct
me if I am wrong. If there already a similar application present, I
would love to contribute to its development.
There is an applet called netspeed_applet which does this.  However,
IMHO (as a gnome user, not a dev in any way.... yet :), competition is
always good, and while netspeed_applet is pretty good, I'm sure it can
be better, or have a differently featured applet to round things out
(maybe something a lot less wide).



Alan <alan ufies org> -
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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