Re: [gnome-love] Modem dialup in gnome

Hi :-),

The dialler should provide some way of launching the configuration
dialog. At the very least you should be able to switch profiles.
Yeah, but should be done in an easily modifyable way for
people/packagers who don't want to launch the gst tool.
I've been thinking in this problem too, some ideas spring to mind, but
unfortunately all of them would need GST to work:

* A dialer applet in the notification area, using the network-admin
backends to display all possible dial connections, and of course using the
network-admin druid for creating new ones

* A nautilus view/URI to display all possible dial connections, with the
possibility to add/remove, connect/disconnect and view properties, using
network-admin below...

* A mixture of them, so when you connect using the nautilus view, the
applet appears in the notification area...

Nothing of this should be in the "gnome-system-tools" module, maybe a
"gnome-system-tools-extras" module?

Also, the backend currently doesn't cover things I really need:
- Dial-on-demand

- Connection sharing (a-la NAT)
Yeah, this would rock. In it's simplest form it's just a few firewall
rules right? We could look at how firestarter does it.

We'd also want to make this possible for dsl and isdn.
I think could be more a firewall-admin issue (which is not developed) than
a network-admin issue, so integrating this in the GST will be slower...
but it's a "to do" :-)

- Connection logging. (I live in Vietnam. We have expensive timed
connections. Also, thru most of Asia there are millions of small
internet cafes that need an easy way of charging based on time. Embrace
that niche baby!)
This would be part of the aformentioned dialing program I imagine.
I agree


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