Re: [gnome-love] Love for gconf-editor?


Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 10:37:33PM +0200, Frederic Peters escribió:

- general improvements to gconf-editor (benefit both admin and users)
  such as search (bug #82902) and HIG work
        Yes, search is a _must_ for GNOME 2.7/2.8. Sujay SA and
Varadharaj KP did a first patch, but it needs more work. Any help is
welcome in this area (and about HIG violations, please, report ot to

- possibility to edit /etc/gconf/2/path (well, I don't know if it's
  standardized across distributions, on my Debian system better files
  to edit would be /etc/gconf/2/local-{defaults,mandator}.path)

- possibility to choose a config source and use gconf-editor
  interface to browser and set values (similar requests in #97335 and
        Yep, my plan is to parse /etc/gconf/2/path and the files it
includes and allow gconf-editor to edit these different sources. (i.e:
present any readonly sources before a readwrite one as mandatory
settings, readwrite sources as user settings and any readonly sources
after them as default settings). 
- [gconf] more backends (ldap, anything through libgda) (not that
  important for us since the workstations can be updated with new
  files easily) (wasn't there a ldap backend once ?)
        Maybe someone is working on this, take a look at gconf-list
archives or ask there.

What are your thoughts on this ?  Is gconf-editor a base to work on or
should we go with a new project (since we would build on gnome libs
and not just gtk) ?  
        Yes, it's gconf-editor. And now (cvs HEAD, gconf-editor is using
gnome libs).


Fernando Herrera de las Heras
Onírica: análisis, diseño e implantación de soluciones informáticas

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