Re: [gnome-love] Easy project: Document writer credits in About boxes

Hi malcolm,

I will take a look into this issue and make a patch for those
applications that missing documenter credits, I hope to do these after I
review a few doc for the coming 2.6, sorry for not responding to your
mail in gnome-doc-list gnome org 

Besides that, I also notice that many help button just does not work. if
you click on it, it will either do nothing or open a yelp browser
showing error message that can not find the help file (or other).

* Show Desktop applet gets a help button, but yelp showing error
  while opening the help file.

* The modemlights applet has help button which do nothing while you
  click on it.(the documentation is already there)

* ...

For those who don't know, the GNOME help file is xml docbook format
which is located in ${prefix}/share/gnome/help/${application}/C/*.xml

GNOME help uses omf as a cataloging tool, which the omf files are
located in ${prefix}/share/omf/${application}/*-C.omf

-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Malcolm Tredinnick <malcolm commsecure com au>
To: GNOME Doc List <gnome-doc-list gnome org>
Subject: Document writer credits in About boxes
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 08:23:16 +1030

During a talk / demonstration about GNOME that I was giving yesterday, I
was showing off how the standard About box shows translator credits in
each locale that has translation. Of course, I then wanted to show that
we credit documenters as well.

Unfortunately, we don't do that quite as well as we could. Part of the
reason is that translator credits happen automatically (they translate a
special string and the code puts it into the appropriate tab in the
dialog box). Documenter credits need to be manually inserted into the
source code by the maintainer. For the time being, we cannot easily
change the latter item (API compatibility), but it is something to think
about moving forwards.

However, for GNOME 2.6, we should make an effort to go through every
single application that has documentation and if all of the people who
have contributed significantly to an application's documentation are not
in the About box, send a patch to that maintainer (or at least a list of
who should be in the box; it is an easy change in the source to fix

At the moment, documentation writers are not getting the credit they
deserve. This is unprofessional of us and we should fix it.


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