Re: [gnome-love] At last... I made it...

I don't know what Makefile.old is, but is a generated file.
You should be using autoconf and automake, so you should only edit That is what Sean is suggesting.

I see hat you are using C++. Therefore prefixsuffix is a nice simple
example of this for you:
Ok, I looked the example. The is like this:
SUBDIRS = src po help docs
  # Desktop entry
  desktopdir              = $(datadir)/gnome/apps/Games
  desktop_in_files        =
  desktop_DATA            = $(
  # Icon
  icondir = $(datadir)/pixmaps
  icon_DATA = prefixsuffix.png
  EXTRA_DIST              = $(desktop_in_files) $(desktop_DATA)

This example solve my icon and desktop file problem. So my problem
become one now. What I don't understand is how do you tell the binary to
locate its glade file. So I am still struggling with this code: 

try {
string blabla = DATADIR + "/";
refXml = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create( blabla );

How do you define the DATADIR variable? When user type ./configure
--prefix=/usr, the DATADIR variable will be /usr/share/wallpapoz. When
user type ./configure, the DATADIR variable will be
/usr/local/share/wallpapoz. How do you do that? The prefixsuffix example
don't tell me how to do that. 

My is like this:
bin_PROGRAMS = wallpapoz daemon_wallpapoz
  wallpapoz_SOURCES = wallpapoz.cpp wallpapoz.h main.cpp Process.cpp
  daemon_wallpapoz_SOURCES = daemon_wallpapoz.cpp Process.cpp Process.h
  glade_DATA =
  gladedir = ${datadir}/@PACKAGE_TARNAME@/
  # desktop entry
  desktopdir             = /usr/share/applications
  desktop_DATA           = wallpapoz.desktop
  # icon
  icondir                = /usr/share/pixmaps
  icon_DATA              = wallpapoz.png

Thank you..... 

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