Re: [gnome-love] Tinderbox (automatic daily build) for GNOME

On 3/31/06, Frederic Peters <fpeters entrouvert com> wrote:
Luis Villa wrote:

Luis (who will try to write up a requirements description for
tinderbox tonight or tomorrow morning)
Will be interesting to read.
Up in the wiki:

Feel free to edit/annotate. For discussion on the list:

Hard Requirements For a New Tinderbox Tool/Setup

    * Supports Big List O'Modules: Support building a long chain of
modules- jhbuild is well north of 100 modules now for a default gnome
build. This may seem obvious, but it is relevant- at least some build
tools are basically optimized for one module/one checkout scenarios,
and as a result, some off-the-shelf stuff doesn't work for us.
    * Many build types/sources: Must support building modules from a
variety of source code repositories and (ideally) a variety of
configuration tools. We have cvs, svn, and git in jhbuild right now,
plus auto* and some custom stuff, and presumably bzr at some point
soon, so if the tool don't handle all of these, it either needs to be
easily extensible or dumped.
    * Reporting: Reports results over the web in a way that is
reasonably easy for non-experts to interpret, with links to full logs
for experts. This reporting must be per-module, not just for the whole
run (otherwise digging through the 20+M of logs for each build run
would suck.) 'jhbuild tinderbox''s output is a pretty reasonable start
at this.
    * Tests: Supports 'make test', and at least hypothetically
supports LDTP/Dogtail. [Both of these mean it must be possible to run
the test under xvfb or similar, by the way.] The catch: the tests must
be run and reported on, but can't block the build of things later in
the dependency tree- if we have to wait for all tests to succeed,
we'll never have a green run of the tinderbox.
    * Documented: How the tool was made to work with GNOME must be
written down so that others can maintain it and use it. We've had too
many tools like this that were made to run once by a mad genius who
then left the project, or lost interest, and so when it broke we just
had to discontinue the service.


These bits aren't necessary, but it is really, really nice if they work.

    * Dependencies: a really nice feature of jhbuild is that a failure
in, say, glib restarts you from scratch, but a failure in, say, gok,
allows other modules to be built/tested. This isn't a hard requirement
but it definitely makes things better.
    * Notification: would be nice if, when failures occur,
lists/IRC/etc. get notified of the failure, instead of people having
to poll a web page.
    * Minimal Duplication of Build Information: Does not add Yet
Another location that must be updated when modules are added/removed-
i.e., must draw build information in some reasonably low-cost way from
the canonical jhbuild moduleset. If this requirement isn't met, better
have someone damn dedicated to keeping it up to date.
    * Distributed: Should be able to have a central server that
collects information from build tools installedon multiple
distros/OSes/platforms/etc. This is in wishlist because we are so bad
at keeping things building just on x86 linux that getting it running
on just that (no server or whatever) would be a huge win.
    * Easy to set up/maintain: no one will take advantage of the
distributed feature if it sucks to get running, or if lots of manual
work is needed to keep things running once the initial build works.
See also 'Documented' and 'Minimal Duplication of Build Information'.
    * Builds Ekiga: This is the one thing I never did :) Was just too
hard to get the dependencies right. If you've got this working, then
lots of other things are probably working very well :)
    * Active Development Community: The best software is software with
a community that gives you 'free' new features. This should be obvious
but is easy to forget :)

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