Re: [gnome-love] newbie

Florian Rivoal wrote:
Hi all gnome lovers,
Hi Florian
"look for something to fix in bugzilla, and sumbit a patch when you're
done" seems to be the recommanded way to get started, But I don't really
feel like it...
I know that it sounds intimidating at first, but it is not so bad as it 
looks :)
The way to make it more "human" which is not clear in the "look in 
bugzilla and write a patch" sentence is that the interaction with the 
other gnome developers doesn't happen only through bugzilla, but also on 
other channels, in particular on irc and on the mailing lists.
So basically you pick a bug you would like to see fixed, or a program 
you like and use, or anything that interest you and then join the 
relevant mailing list and irc channels: there you will have the chance 
to talk with the other developers, ask questions (even trivial ones), 
learn how they work etc. In short you'll easily find your mentor.
In particular feel free to drop by on #gnome-love, I am pretty sure we 
can find you something to work on :)

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