Re: [gnome-love] Gnome-volume-manager and scanner

On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 17:40 +0200, ext Andrea Vettorello wrote:
I was looking in gnome-volume-manager to understand why the program
associated with the gconf's "autoscanner_command" entry, in my case
Xsane, isn't launched when a scanner is plugged-in. After briefly
looking in manager.c, surprise, i've found no code about scanner. (=

I'm missing something?

If this isn't the case, i'm interested to add scanner support to
gnome-volume-manager cause seems a simple enough task to my untrained
Yes, there is no _real_ code for handling scanners, only for the UI and
configuration storing.

So you are really welcome to add this missing code. You can take a look
and search for "printer" in the code to check how it is handled;
scanners should be very similar.

You may want to open a bug for this on to
where you can submit your initial patches and get review.


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