Re: [gnome-love] gnome-terminal scroll changes

Really?  I have this working fine on my gentoo system, with
gnome-terminal on a mostly x86 (~x86 gnome though) system.  I always
figured this was something built into zvt or something.  I'd suggestion
removing all your gconf keys for gnome-terminal and see if that does
anything.  I'm at $work right now but if needed I will dig around in my
config and prefs and see if I can see a setting in there.  


On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 11:36:42AM -0700, Christian Sasso (csasso) wrote:
Hi Jose, as far as I can remember the gnome terminal never had such
feature. By the way, this single missing feature is why I use the KDE
terminal in my otherwise all gnome desktop. 

Christian Sasso
To be a rock and not to roll   -- from Stairway to Heaven by Led

-----Original Message-----
From: gnome-love-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnome-love-bounces gnome org]
On Behalf Of Jose Marino
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:21 AM
To: gnome-love gnome org
Subject: [gnome-love] gnome-terminal scroll changes


I've just upgraded to gnome-2.14 (I'm using gentoo and it was just
marked stable last week). I'm pretty happy with all the new improvements
in this version. However, there's a little feature I used to love that
seems to be gone now. I'm referring to scrolling in a gnome-terminal
using the keyboard, by holding shift+up/down.

With gnome-terminal-2.12 you could scroll by pages with
shift+pgup/pgdown, or scroll by lines with shift+up/down. In this new
version I'm able to scroll by pages (shift+pgup/pgdown) but when I do
shift+up/down I get the same result as if I'd just pressed up/down (with
no shift), i.e. browse the history. I really miss being able to scroll
single lines.

Now to my questions: Is this an intended change? Is it just a
configuration issue? Does anybody else have this same issue? 


PS: I apologize if this is not the right list to send this to.

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