RE: [gnome-love] Where to make a policy suggestion?

--- "Christian Sasso (csasso)" <csasso cisco com>

Ciao all, this is my first email to GNOME Love (so
if you DO recollect
my name, then you have a memory problem :)

Joachim, I feel what you are saying and what David
is proposing are not
two essentially conflicting points of view.
David wants to give an option to GUI users to learn
how to use the
command line: he feels user that want to go to the
next level may enjoy
such didactic tool. His proposal seems brilliant to
me: while performing
every day activities with GNOME a user can also
learn how to solve the
same problems using a terminal. Such feature would
be optional and
disabled by default, so not to get in the way of
those users that would
be only confused by it. Please, also notice one last
thing: adding such
an option would not mean that GNOME hackers have to
stop doing every
possible effort to spare the terminal to those users
that would rather
not touch one with a long stick: in an ideal GUI
environment, no user
has to use the command line, but that doesn't mean
that learn how to use
one is not a good thing. OK, one more point and I am
really done: the
more fundamental reason why I *really* like David's
proposal is that it
goes in the commendable direction of helping users
to better understand
how computers work. And that's in my opinion is the
most user-friendly
gift any GUI can give to its users.

Well I still hate the idea, I still think the command
line is a burden on the memory, and it's not our place
to turn users into geeks.

If you're really set on this, I think some sort of log
window would be better than tooltips popping up all
Imagine something like the calendar window that pops
down from the panel clock, but with a little log that
shows the command each time you perform an action.
You could save a selection from it as a shell script,
or copy a line to the terminal. (Which of course would
be a GUI action... should that show in the command
list too? Unravel that paradox...!)

(still hate the idea though ;)

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