Re: [gnome-love] how to debug evolution?

Ajoh Andre,

El mar, 23-10-2007 a las 19:29 +0200, Andre Klapper escribió:
hi felipe,

please keep answers on the list instead of sending private emails.

Am Dienstag, den 23.10.2007, 13:07 -0300 schrieb Felipe:
On 10/23/07, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:
debian sid (my mistake :P)
what are "the" packages? do you have packages installed for evolution,
evolution-data-server, gtkhtml, cairo, pango, glib2, gtk2, gnome-vfs
(these are the basic ones for evolution)?
those are all the debugging symbols packages that are installed on my system
well, see for yourself if the packages that i already mentioned are
installed... some of them are definitely not as i can see from the list
that you sent.
And keep in mind that for some reason, a lot of users get useless
stacktraces in Debian unstable anyway.

I wish I knew why.


Claudio Saavedra <csaavedra alumnos utalca cl>

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