Re: [gnome-love] Ubuntu installation

On Sun, 2011-05-22 at 21:52 -0700, Mickey U wrote:
Hello, I downloaded 'Icecat' and "Swifteasel" but am unsure how to
actually install and run these programs ??
I am a relatively new convert to Linux and hence am naive thus far...
Anyway Upon clicking on the "icecat-4.0.1.tar.bz2" my 'archive manger"
opens it and extracts it but I do not know how to actually run or
install Ice cat from there ??
If you can help my I would VERY much appreciate it! Thanks very much
Hi Mickey,

.tar.gz files normally contain source code of a program that first has
to get "compiled" (turning that source code into a usable program) in
order to be executed/run.

For users I'd recommend to use the precompiled packages that are
provided by your distribution, or through other sources (for Ubuntu
these should have the ending .deb).

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