[gnome-love] Absolute Gnome beginner


About me:
I would like to get into writing desktop applications for Linux.
I currently work as a web developer using PHP, but I am trying to get back into electronics by re-learning C++.
and so, please may I bombard you with some questions? :

Ubuntu 10.04
I currently use this operating system.
I don't even know if it is using Gnome.
Can I develop for Gnome on it?

Just what is it? Libraries for the desktop, rendering windows, buttons, dialogs?
Is Gnome a current, and upcoming thing?

Development community
I don't really understand how Linux software gets developed within a disparate community.
Is Gnome a library of compiled code (eg a file open dialog) that I can 'hook' into using C++.
Is C++ a preferred language? I might look into Python too.

Where can I get started
Where can I see a 'Hello World' example, and the remaining docs.

More answers
If you can give me any pointers on how you struggled into Gnome, or resources that helped you out then please let me know.
This mailing list
Is this something like a help system, or newsletter or what?

Thank you for your assistance.
Anthony Scaife

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