Re: [gnome-love] Regarding GSoC Application

On Wed, 2013-05-01 at 18:56 +0530, Abhinav Jangda wrote:
Hello Everyone, I have put my GSoC Application on Melange (GSoC
Website). Its been more than 4 days I have uploaded it but I didn't
got any reviews or comments. My GSoC Application is  
I would like to receive comments and get my application reviewed by
the community. 
Thanks for your proposal.

For future reference, please use a more specific email subject. You will
get more people to look at your proposal if they can know beforehand if
the topic will interest them or not.
Or in short: Don't make me click to find out what a link is about. :)


Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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