Re: Another Contribution

On Sun, 4 Feb 2001, Jeff Waugh wrote:

> <quote who="Erik Jarvi">
> > Jeff Harris <jeff imaginationmusic com> contributed a few sounds
> > to the GSP.  Thanks Jeff! 
> So, all in all, there are some pretty cool sounds going around at the
> moment.
> I think we could have a new sound set in time for the Gnome 1.4 release...
> It's close, but certainly doable.
> Thoughts?

This is good to hear.  As far as I know, the theming idea has not been
implemented for sounds yet.  (Is that right?)  However a package of sounds
with some brief instructions/recommendations for how to use them would be
nice.  Perhaps this could be part of the "Extra apps" release?  If you
think you have a nice package of sounds for GNOME 1.4, I'd suggest
joining the mailing list gnome-1 4-list gnome org and then emailing it to
see if they will still accept new packages.  I don't think they've made
the final list yet, so there may be time.  The first test release of GNOME
1.4 is only a couple weeks away though...

Unfortunately I've been too busy lately to check out all the new sounds :(


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