Sorry for the lack of coaster updates. First off, libburn is now What this means is that it has a very good chance at becoming all we hoped for. A standard library for linux and a very powerful library are in the bright future of libburn. There have been a lot of patches going into the codebase and we will hopefully see an alpha release by the weekend. is the site page and is the mail list. A update was sent out a couple weeks ago about the project and can be read in detail at On the UI side of things, a new module, coaster-gui, has been added to cvs. The UI code is now being developed in here. The coaster and libcdburn modules will be removed at some point and are obsolete at this stage. The UI is mainly being developed by myself and Bryan Forbes in c++. Main libburn integration can take place soon as the libray hits a API freeze this weekend. One of the other projects I am working on is libcoaster and will feature commmon libburn tasks and gui capplets to use in gnome. The idea behind this is to provide the user with a uniform configure point for their burner. I hope nautilus and rhythmbox will adopt libcoaster for this reason. Once I get what I want in libcoaster done, we can then integrate that into the UI and also tie in libburn as well. What can be done at this point in coaster-ui is HIG, capplet, and translation work. The best way to disscus coaster/libburn development is in #coaster on That is where libburn and coaster developers idle most of the time. ManMower is the main libburn guru and myself (harshy) and mxpxpod are the main UI guys. Questions, comments, and complaints are always welcome. One other change coaster will see is that of the website. I plan to totally rewrite the code and have updated information and screenshots by the end of the month. I do apologize again for the look of a dead project as stated at OSnews. The article is at We are not dead, but working hard to make libburn work before anything else. Look for more updates in the comming weeks for a libburn release announcement and a website update. Until next time, happy hacking. -- Sean Harshbarger harshy dersoldat org Key fingerprint = 086A AA96 51DD D84D 3E64 1B26 778F 2335 C828 E736
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