[gnome-network] Bug#325063: marked as done (gnome-nettool does not set the send host-name to dynamic DNS)

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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Subject: gnome-nettool does not set the send host-name to dynamic DNS
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:23:55 -0700
Message-ID: <75EC4D5486CAC247B84AAAA6F96AA55805853EAA orsmsx402 amr corp intel com>
Thread-Topic: gnome-nettool does not set the send host-name to dynamic DNS
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From: "Allyn, MarkX A" <markx a allyn intel com>
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Package: gnome-nettool
Version: 1.2.0-1

The gnome-nettool network configuration application does not have any
capability to set a hostname that is sent to a dynamic DNS server.

There is a file at /etc/dhclient.conf that need to be altered if one
desires to have their machine's host name be made available to the DNS

Currently, this requires that the end user or system owner manually
edit the /etc/dhclient.com file.


Mark Allyn

Received: (at 325063-done) by bugs.debian.org; 12 Jan 2006 07:30:52 +0000
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Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2006 18:30:48 +1100
From: Andrew Lau <netsnipe users sourceforge net>
To: "Allyn, MarkX A" <markx a allyn intel com>, 325063-done bugs debian org
Subject: Re: Bug#325063: gnome-nettool does not set the send host-name to dynamic DNS
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On Thu, Aug 25, 2005 at 02:23:55PM -0700, Allyn, MarkX A wrote:
> Package: gnome-nettool
> Version: 1.2.0-1
> The gnome-nettool network configuration application does not have any
> capability to set a hostname that is sent to a dynamic DNS server.
> There is a file at /etc/dhclient.conf that need to be altered if one
> desires to have their machine's host name be made available to the DNS
> system.
> Currently, this requires that the end user or system owner manually
> edit the /etc/dhclient.com file.

Dear Mark,

Network configuraiton is not handled by gnome-nettool. It is merely
passed on to network-admin from the gnome-system-tools. However, dynamic
DNS is not a system configuration issue, but a 3rd party tool/option
(i.e. ddclient/ez-ipupdate) -- so I'm closing this bug report instead of
reassigning it.

If you disagree, please file a wishlist against gnome-system-tools.

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Lau

      Andrew "Netsnipe" Lau	<http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alau/>
    Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer & UNSW Computing Students' Society
            "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"
                     - Adam Savage (MythBusters)

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