Re: RFP: shared filetype autodetection library

> 4) Suffix matching is a useful but dangerous optimization.  People
>    have been known to accidentally save a file in 1 format with
>    another extension by accident.

Not even remotely accidentaly, totally deliberately.

if i am asked for a .doc i never give anything except Rich Text Format
.rtf renamed to .doc or Text renamed .doc

most of my .xls documnents are actually comma seperated values whenever

so many people wanted .doc export so Abiword gave in a provided a renamed
RTF instead.  You have no idea how many times i explained to people they
could just rename it and no one would be the wiser.

Abiword does not particularly like it either when i touch
i guess that any file < 4k can safely be opened based purely on its
extension (or as text if it has no extension).

> I suspect the nautilus folk will have some useful input also.
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