Re: Glad to see interest in install/packaging

Morey Hubin wrote:

>       ) A standard install path that everyone can use universally.
>         I setup machines so /usr/gnome is a symlink to the actuall
>         Gnome install.  That way I can burn in library paths using
>         the linkers -R/usr/gnome/lib (or equivalent for your OS)
>         and not have to worry about setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime.

This is bad. You should leave /usr to the core OS. Since Sun announced it
would ship GNOME 2 with a future version of Solaris, I suppose they'd put
it in /usr/gnome. In that case there might be a namespace or library
version clash between binaries provided by the OS and the binaries you built.

I would suggest picking a place under /usr/local or /opt. Something like
/opt/gpp would be nice. /opt/gnome would collide with what people already

I'm not sure if /opt is a good place, though.

>       ) A standard path to source that developers can use with GDB.
>         GDB expects to find source in the same place it was built.
>         If it doesn't then is asks the user to supply the correct path.
>         This can get annoying for large projects.  If all debuggable
>         builds take place under /usr/gnome_source then developers can
>         setup a /usr/gnome_source symlink to thier download area and
>         GDB away.

/usr/local/gnome_source, if at all possible.

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