Loading conduit "XXX" failed


I'm new to both pilots and gnome and have just successfully configured my
pilot link. So far so good.

But when I attempt to hotsync after having enabled one or two of the
conduits, I first get the "Gnome Pilot Sync Progress" window but it 
quickly is replaced by a warning saying that "Loading conduit
"XXX" failed!" - one for each enabled conduit. Nothing works.

I'm probably doing something basic wrong but I've been unable to find any
help in the FAQ so I'm asking you all...

Please, can anyone help?


Per Goetterup                         Email: per netgroup dk
System Administrator                  Phone:   +45 3313 0055
NetGroup A/S                          Fax:     +45 3313 0066
Store Kongensgade 40H                 ICQ#:          9042837
DK-1264 Copenhagen K                  Web:   www.netgroup.dk

Sean Beggs, just another slice of bread...

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