Re: no conduits

On Tue, 2001-10-09 at 06:36, JP Rosevear wrote:
> This sounds like your user does not have permission to access the
> device.

Hi JP;

I don't think it is a permissions thing at all;  the ownership on the
devices are user:uucp, and it doesn't matter what they are or what the
permissions are:  666, 600 660, etc.  I can get/send user/pid info the
the visor through the "Pilot Link" gnomecc selection.  It's just my
conduits don't show for non-root users.


C. Michael McCallum         |  "That may be one tough nut to crack,
Associate Professor         |        but I am one determined
Chemistry, UOP              |             little squirrel"
mmccallum uop edu           | (209) 946-2393 | fax (209) 946-2607

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