RE: Conduits Working OK


On Thu, 2001-10-11 at 21:43, eskil olsen sol dk wrote:
> >that the 0.1.61 gnome-pilot package works perfectly OK, IF you install
> >the new control center from the Ximian Preview channel on red carpet. 
> The weird looking HTML one ? That thing scared me.

Me too at first, but it seems OK so far - it's just an interface change,
all the stuff underneath is the same, I think. Besides, I really want to
sync with evolution :)

> >It's a bit crap of ximian to release something in the desktop channel
> >that is broken without something in the preview channel, but that's by
> >the by.
> you get your money's worth :-)

Well, I can't really complain, as they have given me the only mail
client I've ever really liked...

James Smith - Vapour Technology - james vapourtech com
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