Stack traces for MemoDB crashes

Hi all! 

The MemoDB conduit crashes for me in two spots: when you
select Settings for it in the capplet, and when you
try to synchronize.  Looks like they are both dying
in the same spot. I don't seem to get any other

Here's the trace from pressing the sync button on
the cradle:

#0  0x4077d409 in ?? ()
#1  0x407813d3 in ?? ()
#2  0x4006b190 in gnome_pilot_conduit_management_instantiate_conduit (
    self=0x80d1b48, pilot=0x80beaf8, instance=0xbffff408)
    at gnome-pilot-conduit-management.gob:720
#3  0x0805fc99 in gpilot_load_conduits (context=0x80aa1d0, pilot=0x80beaf8, 
    clist=0xbffff4ac, blist=0xbffff4a8, flist=0xbffff4a4) at manager.c:675
#4  0x0805cb60 in do_sync (pfd=17, context=0x80aa1d0, pu=0xbffff564, 
    pilot=0x80beaf8, device=0x80bfdb0) at gpilotd.c:423
#5  0x0805d0b2 in gpilot_syncing_known_pilot (pilot=0x80beaf8, pu=
      {userID = 28711, viewerID = 0, lastSyncPC = 628798072, successfulSyncDate = 1010683652, lastSyncDate = 1010841236, username = "EHunt\000\000¿\024Ý] C\000_US\000\006\b\013\000\000\000\000Ã\t@LC_MESSAGES/gnome-pilot mo\000¿\177Û] \bÜ\006\b\005\000\000\000\000ïm@ä\tn ¨§\n\b\000ïm@Woke on %s\000 \0000\b\b8÷ÿ¿^Ù]@\230ú\013\b\030ïm \024\000\000\000\f\000\000\000¨ú\013\b", passwordLength = 0, password = "h÷ÿ¿ä\tn \220ú\013\b<\027n ÔØ]@\013\000\000\000\013\000\000\000\013\000\000\000\000\000\000\000n\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Àöÿ¿i0m \rb\a\bèÛ\006\bP\226\n\b\210÷ÿ¿ä\tn@\000\000\000\000°/\b\b¨÷ÿ¿]Ø] \bÜ\006\b\t\226\006\b", '\000' <repeats 12 times>, "\005\000\000\000È÷ÿ¿D#\017 \000\000\000\000°/\b\b"}, pfd=17, 
    device=0x80bfdb0, context=0x80aa1d0) at gpilotd.c:572
#6  0x0805d293 in sync_device (device=0x80bfdb0, context=0x80aa1d0)
    at gpilotd.c:631
#7  0x0805d3c9 in device_in (io_channel=0x80aa4d0, condition=G_IO_IN, 

And here's the trace from pressing Settings in the capplet:

#0  0x407f0409 in ?? ()
#1  0x407f43d3 in ?? ()
#2  0x40089190 in gnome_pilot_conduit_management_instantiate_conduit (
    self=0x80cb208, pilot=0x80abf18, instance=0x80cb13c)
    at gnome-pilot-conduit-management.gob:720
#3  0x0804f43b in gpcc_conduits_settings (widget=0x80c18e0, 
    user_data=0x80ac0a8) at gnome-pilot-conduitcap.c:557
#4  0x402542b1 in gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE () at eval.c:41
#5  0x40287916 in gtk_handlers_run () at eval.c:41
#6  0x40286c3d in gtk_signal_real_emit () at eval.c:41
#7  0x402849f5 in gtk_signal_emit () at eval.c:41
#8  0x401ebf2d in gtk_button_clicked () at eval.c:41
#9  0x401ed6ed in gtk_real_button_released () at eval.c:41
#10 0x402542b1 in gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE () at eval.c:41
#11 0x40286ac1 in gtk_signal_real_emit () at eval.c:41
#12 0x402849f5 in gtk_signal_emit () at eval.c:41
#13 0x401ebe5d in gtk_button_released () at eval.c:41
#14 0x401ecfd7 in gtk_button_button_release () at eval.c:41
#15 0x40253fbc in gtk_marshal_BOOL__POINTER () at eval.c:41
#16 0x40286c7d in gtk_signal_real_emit () at eval.c:41
#17 0x402849f5 in gtk_signal_emit () at eval.c:41
#18 0x402bf0e9 in gtk_widget_event () at eval.c:41
#19 0x40253f15 in gtk_propagate_event () at eval.c:41

This is a redhat 7.1 system with latest tarballs.  I tried
backing off pilot-link one rev (from .6 back to .5) but got
the same results.  Palm VX.

Any patch or suggestion would be wildy appreciated.


Andrew Hunt, The Pragmatic Programmers, LLC.
Innovative Object-Oriented Software Development and Mentoring for Agile Methods
web:   email: andy pragmaticprogrammer com
Books by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas:
   "The Pragmatic Programmer"(Addison-Wesley 2000), "Programming Ruby"(AW 2001)
Author of the Agile Alliance Manifesto (,
   see August 2001 cover of "Software Development" Magazine.
Columnist and board member, IEEE Software Magazine.

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