Re: Is gnome-pilot unloved?

On $BLZ(B, 2002-07-18 at 10:04, Ben Steeves wrote:
(B> On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 11:52, JP Rosevear wrote:
(B> > On Thu, 2002-07-18 at 03:55, Malcolm Caldwell wrote:
(B> > > I just had a look at cvs.  There would not seem to have been any updates
(B> > > in the last two months. (cvs diff -D "2 months ago" gives nothing)
(B> > 
(B> > I did do a release since then.
(B> > 
(B> > > Is there anyone working on an update?  Things like gnome 2 support might
(B> > > be nice - now gnome 2 is released.
(B> > 
(B> > This is in progress, nothing has been checked in though.
(B> While we're on the subject, is there any timeframe on when the new 0.11
(B> release of pilot-link will make it's way into gnome-pilot?
(BI've been trying not to be pushy about this, thinking it'll be done when
(Bit's done, but I'm very anxious to get a new version of gnome-pilot, and
(Bthen a new version of evolution linked against it. I haven't been able
(Bto sync my Palm M515 since I've gotten it. (I know I could rebuild
(Bgnome-pilot and evolution myself, but I'm trying to avoid that.)
(BStuart Luppescu -=- s-luppescu uchicago edu        
(BUniversity of Chicago -=- CCSR 
$B:MJ8$HCRF`H~$NIc(B -=-    Kernel 2.4.19-pre10-xf                
(BA song in time is worth a dime. 

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