Re: Name of projects

David A. Desrosiers wrote:

>  Both projects currently ONLY talk to PalmOS-based handheld devices,
>        pilot-link will not be renamed.

I won't beat this into the ground because it's not a very important
issue, but I just want to point out that the names pda-link/gnome-pda
were just suggestions to further "future-proof" the name.  However, I
would think that even if the name was changed to palm-link/gnome-palm it
would be a wise move.  

The devices being supported are "PalmOS devices," so there's no longer a
concern of tying the name to a specific make or model (pilot vs. clie
vs. handspring, etc), and I would think the PalmOS name is going to be
fairly stable at this point.

The other concern (maybe I'm grasping at straws) is that Palm had to
change the name because Pilot (the pen company, I believe) was unhappy
with their use of the Pilot trademark.  Is there any concern about that
here?  We have an extra degree of separation, I guess, but I don't know
how the laws would apply in this instance.

Anyway, if David and JPR aren't convinced, then no big deal.  It just
seemed like a good idea to me.  :-)    


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