Re: Initial setup doesn't connect wtih FC3

Matt Davey wrote:

Oh, forgot the obvious: have you added the USB Vendor/Product ID to the
list of recognised IDs for gnome-pilot?  If you're running
gnome-pilot-2.0.12 you need to edit the devices.xml file by hand and
restart gnome-pilot.

The Kyocera Vendor ID is 0x0c88, and the device ID for the
7135 is 0x0021.
Same as the values I used for udev to create /dev/pilot.

I added:

 <!-- Kyocera -->
 <!-- Kyocara 7135 -->
 <decide vendor_id="0c88" product_id="0021" />

to /user/share/gnome-pilot.devices.xml.

and rebooted.

Problem persists.

Here is some other information you might find useful, there might be some editor introduced wrapping:
[mark buttercup ~]$ cat .gnome2/gnome-pilot.d/gpilotd



[mark buttercup ~]$ cat .gnome2/gnome-pilot.d/queue


[mark buttercup ~]$ cat

The following were after I hit the hotsync button and before the the phone timed out.
[mark buttercup ~]$ ll /dev/pi*
crw-------  1 mark root 188, 1 Feb 11 19:51 /dev/piKYO7135
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Feb 11 19:51 /dev/pilot -> piKYO7135
[mark buttercup ~]$ install-user
   No $PILOTPORT specified and no -p <port> given.
   Defaulting to '/dev/pilot'

   Listening to port: /dev/pilot

   Please press the HotSync button now... Connected

   Palm user: Mark
   UserID:    4639

I hope it isn't because /dev/pilot is a symbolic link. pam_console overrides the permissions set in udev.
Mark Healey
marklist healeyonline com

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