Re: How can I sync the photos of my contacts

Quoting Nathan Owens <pianocomp81 yahoo com>:

> --- ÕÅ¼Ñ <dingar gmail com> wrote:
> > I synced my treo 650 with evolution. At the end, the photos of my
> contacts
> > were all losed. I add somebody's photo by evolution, and sync
> again. The
> > photo of my treo didn't come back. How can I do it?
> Right now, you can't. In order to do that, the Addressbook conduit
> needs to be
> ported to the PalmOS 5.x Contacts format. While the underlying
> libraries
> support the Contacts format, the Addressbook conduit hasn't been
> changed to use
> it.
> I'm taking a look at it myself, but am not promising anything. I
> believe Tom
> Billiet also mentioned he's taking a look at it too.

Yeah I was, but I need to find the time, don't expect too much/something

> Tom: I'm taking the approach that when the user configures the
> Addressbook/Contacts conduit, they choose which version of PalmOS is
> being
> used. Based on that configuration, the conduit can decide whether to
> use the
> Addressbook or Contacts format. The OS version would default to
> PalmOS 4, since
> most people are able to sync the basics with the Addressbook
> conduit/format
> now. Any thoughts?

I'm not completely following here.
What I think you mean: If you have a pilot with palmOs5, then you have a
contactDB as wel as an addressDB database. If the contactDB sync conduit
will be finished and ready for use, you would see them both in the
configuration, they would both be launched during sync, ... So that's a
problem. There should be something in gnome-pilot that determines the
version of the os first, an then launch the contactDB conduit and ignore
the addressbookDB conduit. I think it's that what you're working on?


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