Re: Pilot synch issues

Hi all,
Some things usb related are now working in 2007.1 that were not working
before. When I put Palm Life Drive into "Drive Mode" a dialogue box now
pops up in KDE and asks if I want to browse etc. It did not do that
So, now running $pilot-xfer -p usb: -l i get this:
bash-3.1$ pilot-xfer -p usb: -l

   Listening for incoming connection on usb:...
 but it hangs, and I can hit CTRL+C - no change.  But cancel the sync in
the Palm and the user prompt returns.

So it seems to be aware of the presence of the LifeDrive, and aware of
cancelling the hotsync.  Soooo, is this a permissions related problem?

I suspect that we are close to  a result, but at this stage, no cigar.

What next, please?

Andrew Greig

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