[gpm] Running the power manager under another session and while not having any battery to monitor?


It's really nice to be able to put the system automatically to sleep and enable users to change what happens when they press the power or sleep button etc, BUT there are two comments I'd like to make:

FIRST: Ever tried to run the manager under more than one user (sessions) logged in?

Well I happened to do it. One, where it was configured to sleep when power button pressed and in another to shutdown. The resul of pressing the button was firs to go to sleep and right after resuming a nice shut-down was done.

Altough it's funny and logical how such a configuration worked - such thing really should work in some other way. I suppose the power management is something like adjusting audio volume of the system. One user makes the power-button to sleep, it should work the same to any other. Also not two times on a row, when another user happens to have it's gnome session open too - still one operation per button-press would be nice (would it be sleep, hibernate or shutdown could be a matter of allowing someone to change the behaviour then)...

SECOND: when set so in the prefs, maybe tray-icon should become visible even when there is no battery to monitor (or smthing), so the hibernate and suspend could be chosen there too. Just FYI maybe the reason for not having any batteries to monitor, was because I ran the thingy on my desktop computer (able to sleep quite well by the way). :-p

The version I tried it was just through apt-get on ubuntu breezy, the v0.1.2-ubuntu2.

PS! I'm not in the list (yet), so a BCC to me would be nice.


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