Re: [gpm] Help with translation

You've been most helpful, and an updated translation should hit cvs
soon. About Glade or Gazpacho, I'll install any of them when there is
a string freeze, so that I'll checkout the source code only once
(funny to say that as a Gentoo user!), but I wouldn't bother if the
development team donated me some laptops and wirless peripherals to
test the UI :o]

Leonardo Fontenelle

2006/5/12, Richard Hughes <hughsient gmail com>:
On 11/05/06, Leonardo Fontenelle <leo fontenelle gmail com> wrote:
> Did some update to the po file. But I must ask: what is damping
> factor? Wikipedia defines it as "ratio of the impedances of two
> electronic devices, the load impedance and the source impedance", but
> I couldn't find an expression in my language with the same definition.
> Could you please define it for me with other words? Thanks!

Damping is basically where if we get instantanous "spikes" then the
value is smoothed between two points. For example:

If we don't smooth, then we get for power:

10 -> 10
400 -> 400
50 -> 50
80 -> 80

If we do smooth, we get:

10 -> 10
400 -> 90
50 -> 70
80 -> 75

so we get rid of the "peakyness".

Does that help? Thanks.


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