[gpm] Is there an easy way to have script(s) executed by the GNOME Power Manager?

The FAQ has an entry:
Where do I put my custom suspend/shutdown/hibernate script?
Because gnome-power-manager uses HAL to toggle bits in the hardware, you need to put your custom instructions in /prefix/share/hal/scripts/system/hal-system-power-*
We need to create script(s) that shutdown the other Ubuntu PCs on the same UPS based on the UPS' battery level, and shuts down the Ubuntu PCs on another UPS at a fixed time from when the power outage began because that UPS is plugged into a Microsoft Windows PC.  While this FAQ looks promising, I am uncertain how to translate the referenced directory to a directory in the Ubuntu file system.  The scripts are easy.  What is unclear is where to put them, and how to initiate them.

Sorry to bother you.



David E. Kahn
27868 Via Corita, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
david kahn alumni stanfordgsb org

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