Re: [Gnome-print] Gnome Print RGBA

On 15 Apr 2000, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> One question: 
> 	1. Does this still support print-previewing?

No. GnomePrintRBuf is pure rasterizing context and I cannot make it to
depend on Canvas. On the other hand - I cannot see, why print previewing
should require buffer rasterizer at all:
- rasterizer creates bitmap from print commands
- preview creates canvas objects
If user needs multiple outputs (canvas + bitmap + PS + ...) at the same
time, he should print to metafile & later replay this.

> 	2. Does this mean that the RGB renderer no longer requires the
> 	   ultra-nasty hack I had in there for doing canvas->RGB?

Basically yes. If it will be completed, it will do RGB and RGBA rendering
to arbitrary rectangles - i.e. it can be used:
- for bitmap exporting (RGB & RGBA)
- for band-based printing (RGB)
- for intermediate rendering during printing RGBA on printers not
  supporting that directly.
For the latest I'll have to create yet another separate printing context,
- Renders all object both to metafile and to other context
- If it encounters RGBA object (shape or bitmap), it replays metafile to
that point to bitmap and prints that.


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